Our Inner Journey Program will gently guide them into the path of self-discovery that will eventually bring Self-Awareness & the power of spiritual stamina in facing the challenges of life; as they become equipped in learning their unique life lessons. This program is designed to take you on an inner journey. A path towards self awareness, emotional healing, and resilience through 9 online workshops. We are joined with a community of like-hearted individuals, committed to understanding themselves through the stories of others, carrying the desire to discover their unique personality with their unique intuitive gifts, in order to live in freedom and peace that no one can shake. Explore different aspects of your inner self and begin a deep transformative process of healing. This is program is designed for those: -seeking for answers to meaning of their life -wanting to break their destructive patterns -who want to create a fulfilling life -want to master their emotional, mental and spiritual aspects -gain spiritual stamina to face and resolve any challenge in life
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