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Our Story

"When the soul within us is not given a chance to express itself in what it wants to do, we fail to remember the 'essence' of why we are here; therefore we deny ourselves of the right to a fulfilled life."


What is Pathways to us?

Pathways is our Soul Tribe.

"This is where we found each other and have chosen to come together in harmony as One—through the path of love"

Pathways is our spiritual home, Mommy J is our spiritual mother. It was here where we healed our wounds. It was also here where we felt and experienced the core teachings as we now practice them in our daily lives. As Mommy J would always say, "Always practice what you preach, because when you do, you become the embodiment of Spirit."


When we talk about spirituality, there will always be events that will propel us to deepen our relationship with ourselves and with life: challenges, downloads (light-bulb moments), and realizations that go beyond words. Through the experience, you will get to understand its benefits; the changes in your life precipitating inspired actions.


This is where we learned that in being nothing, we are everything. This is where we create new beginnings by allowing the ending of our old cycles. This is where we stopped searching for others to "save us". Here, we continuously heal our wounds to embody our true power and worth. Where we learn, give, receive, transform, and expand. It is also here that we learned to be unique and to be one with the rest of humanity. We are all connected. In Pathways, this is what we call Spiritual Connection.


Our stories

The Founder and Co-Founder

Our Founder

Mommy J 
Founder of Pathways Community

Elder & Keeper of the Flame
Holder of Inspiration, Visionary

“Healing may not be easy at first, but the eventual reward of living a fulfilled life is the promise of the New Earth”

One misty afternoon in September of 1988, while nursing myself through a heartbreak that caused me to lose my entire sense of being, a voice from the depths of my being, thundering and deafening, echoed through my very soul.  This mystic event in my life prompted me to go back to my quest for TRUTH. 

So, where did I begin? I opted to try them all. In 1991, I started writing a journal of all the experiences and events that transpired during my quest. Soon, it was filled with all sorts of notes and ideas and of transmissions channeled by my guides and higher self to speak. 


As the saying goes; When the student is ready, the master will appear. Henry became the external manifestation of the teacher within me. 

He was there to encourage me to listen to my inner voice. But he was there to temper me when I was wisdom-hungry and losing all sense of moderation. He was there to put me in place when greed and arrogance took hold of me. He would always say "When arrogance and pride surfaces, it is always coming from a wound we do not want to face."  Eventually, it was time for me to put them all together in harmony with my highest light…..

In most of my life, I’ve always been alone and kept in the dark, purging and learning by myself. It took a lot of ups and downs, pain and traumas, breakdowns and breakthroughs, a lot of questioning, and searching—it was never easy. Then I bargained with my guides, I said, I will patiently learn but please give me the power to accelerate the healing for others. And this became my personal pursuit..  And I can honestly say, it was all worth it!

Today, I’m here with the Pathways Team, and we’re here again to let you know that you can RISE ABOVE IGNORANCE. This is me taking action and stepping out of the shadow, using my experiences in the path of awakening, and serve as a bridge and a pathway for your transformation.

We come from a place of more than 3 decades of EXPERIENCE... 

The vision of Pathways was borne


Our Co-Founder

Co-Founder of Pathways
Shadow Work Avant-garde 
Visionary of a New Earth

“It is not the destination that makes one enlightened, but the journey and the process of it all.”

I am a visionary and a seeker for answers to the mystery of life. Experiencing childhood challenged with scarcity & survival issues, I had to

to grow up at an early age. Although I felt hopeless at times, I held on to "visions" that would present in my dreams--a life removed from the complications of the reality I was in, where I can simply Live. This awareness of a contrast made me search even more as I always wanted to understand why I had to go through the sufferings of life.  

At age 19, this continuous search led me to learn how to clear the conditions & limitations of my MIND. At first I was only desperate in grasping a sense of relief, until this newfound habit of recreating my perspectives renewed my hope. A decade of practice and applying what I've learned in the field of Architecture rewarded me with personal achievements, and abundance in life's resources. And yet, while sitting at the heights of it all, I would still feel emptiness in my heart as I ask myself "Is this all there is to life?".

This quest for happiness and a greater purpose in life soon directed me to Pathways Healing Center where I would meet “Mommy J”. This encounter, propelled me into a journey of the HEART. A self-discovery that gave me the courage to set aside all that I have built, and embark on a new path: An Inner Journey to the heart. From then on, I realized that freedom from all my limitations and my sufferings was just in the palm of my hands. I became more and more diligent in my path of healing as parts of my life began to make sense. Then, making peace with my past came next. Although the journey was not easy, I continued to heal myself intensely, and it was when I began to witness undeniable miracles through me and around me. Through my journey with Pathways, I evolved, and one day I remembered the grandness of the "Vision";  A promised land—a renewed earth where we all live as ONE HUMANITY. The time has come for me to start sharing the lessons I have learned from all my experiences with others.

"Sustainability is a byproduct of a conscious way of living

 that regenerates ALL FORMS OF LIFE."

As co-founder of Pathways, I help materialize its Vision by translating our Mission into evolving frameworks at every phase of Pathways’ growth. As an Operations Integrator, I also create evolving systems that allow productive & sustainable dynamics within the key stakeholders of Pathways.

It is my passion to explore new paths that will bring me and my soul family closer to our Vision, even during the times when we could not see what is far ahead. I am devoted to learning sustainable solutions and would always be inspired to find new ways to fulfill the dream.


As a steward of a New Earth, I hope to continuously embody the essence of “heaven on earth” and I have faith in humanity that together we can recreate our world into a harmonious one.  

Today, I march with the Pathways Team, as we unfold a piece of New Earth—-the creation of Pathways Sustainable Healing Farm. I humbly honor the stewardship inherent within us all. We are here to serve and assist one another for the continuity of life, here on earth.

Coconut Trees and a Road

Our Mandala of Co-creators


Hello there! We are the Pathways Pioneers. We are a group of heart-centered individuals walking the spiritual path together. Nurtured and mentored by Mommy Jackie—we have come together as bridges with the intention of harmony within as we participate in the continuity of life in the new earth.  


We have come from different backgrounds that have been brought together by this exciting movement to become an anomaly for healing. Souls first, we overcame the challenges of our very lives as we remember who we truly are—lived through the lessons it brought us—aiming to restore our lives to its pristine imperfectly perfect original state. 


Now we have joined together in this undertaking, wielding the light to assist in connecting people back to themselves. God’s love is expressed in the creation of humanity—as we  have found our awakening path to self-discovery, healing and transformation. Allow us to share our story with you....

"Pathways was born out of the initiative to integrate people from all walks of life and  to awaken once again the appreciation for what we  can share together in contrast to what separates us, and to essentially build bridges instead of walls"

OurMandala of Co-creator

Donate to the
Pathways Community

Join our healing community's mission to provide healing resources to many.

Your support makes a lasting impact. Give what you can, fostering healing for the world. Thank you for being part of this journey.


Our stories

The Pioneers



Pathways Pioneer

Head of Design and Build

PW Essence Keeper
Space Alchemist

“I trust in the divine spirit within that guides me in grounding creative visions to life.”

In her own words... "As the Essence Keeper of Pathways, I highlight the timelessness of the transmissions of Pathways keeping its purity in its creative tangible form. As part of the Pathways Core/Pioneers, I realize, we are all keepers and guardians of the Pathways Essence. We all work together with a common goal which is to keep holding and bearing the light of the Inner Path. And continuously hold it as our legacy until it is time to pass it on. The transformation of our lives is so vital in this walk and this journey, that every step of the way we are guided by our own light in getting here. And we will continue to be resilient, magnifying that light within us. I realized, this is what I came here to do. And we will continue to inspire because this is a choice, we get to make every day despite whatever happens. This is where resilience comes in. WHY SERVE IN PW? Aside from the transformation that happened in my life as guided by Mommy J and Dette, from the endless unfolding of spiritual creativity brought about by my growth in the journey – I saw that Pathways is consistent and unwavering in its dedication to serve the light that is in each one of us. Through the storm, through all the tiny resets: Pathways is and always consistent in its commitment to heal and share the downloads of 1988 as it grounds its essence of participating in the continuity of life on earth through LOVE. Here I learned what true acceptance is all about… the acceptance of all that I am. In doing so I was slowly able to harmonize both my darkness and my light, as I still do. Here I saw what it means to practice what we preach, “to walk the talk”… all rooted in unconditional love. People have come and gone, but Pathways is like a living water – true its essence. With that, I honor my mentors, mommy j and dette, the rest of the Pathways core, I am grateful for all that we have learned together and I am just so honored to serve alongside everyone in the team. I am grateful and honored to be here, to serve as a vessel, to translate, to communicate, to embody, to live its (Pathways’) teachings. YOU SEE, I WAS POWERLESS—USING ANGER TO FEEL POWERFUL; I GREW UP IN ‘SACRIFICIAL LOVE’ NA PARA AKONG MAY PINAGBABAYARAN AKO KAHIT BATA PA LANG AKO. All I know is that this is my journey—and in this lifetime I CHOOSE AND DEDICATE MY LIFE IN THE PATH OF SERVICE, AND I CHOOSE TO DO IT WITH PATHWAYS.… as I choose this Path, I see that there is no separation there is no mundane, no spiritual… it is all spiritual. It is all me. I have the power every single moment because it is weaved and interlaced so beautifully as it all leads to ME. Pathways serves as an inspiration of grounded love. And I am in awe to see its resilience while embodying its teachings, I see, that I too am grounded so deep that nothing and no one can ever bring me down because I am resilient in who I am and what I came here to do.. This life. This Path. This is what I choose to leave as my legacy. A life of no proving. A life of no self pity or self doubt. A life of trust that I am who I am who I choose to be. I trust in myself. I believe that no matter what the stars bring, I am here, I am ready to serve. Because sa mga panahong nawalan ako ng tiwala sa sarili ko, nandyan sila para gabayan ako ng walang husga. Nandyan sila na naghihintay lang na makita ko ang sarili ko." "WE ARE LAUNCHING NOT JUST THE WEBSITE, BUT THE ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM OF UNDERSTANDING AS A WAY INTO OURSELVES…"




Pathways Pioneer

Soul Entrepreneur

Pioneer for Business Development

"Change and transformation begins in our hearts--"

“Change and transformation begins in our hearts. As we heal, we learn to honor and value ourselves and others. As we make a difference in the lives that we touch, we bring the inspiration for the evolution of business practices into a sustainable practice that regenerates life as a byproduct of healing.” Ann is the Soul Entrepreneur and Pioneer of Business Development in Pathways, she aims to revolutionize the business landscape as she embodies the values of transparency, integrity, and incorruptibility by shifting the old business profit driven mindset and pro – company practices to being a heart centered organization that values and honors the welfare and sustainability of everyone in the community. Here, all works, in harmony and alignment to one grand vision. In her very own words, "God’s mercy brought her to Pathways.” Experiencing authentic inner work and healing helped her deepen her personal relationship with God. It then helped her move through life with peace, ease, and grace. She then realized that her purpose is to be an instrument of God to help and assist others in their healing and spiritual journey for them to also have harmony and freedom, humbled by grace and gratitude. With all that she has learned and experienced through the guidance of her mentors, she then committed herself in serving with them and being of service to her other selves. One of her dreams is to provide comfort with elegance and security for the elderly. She hopes to continuously learn and be a forever student of the path while developing her spiritual creativity in healing, teaching and business development.

Elna Artajo.jpg



Pathways Pioneer

Spiritual Communication Initiator

"To see clearly with wisdom."

Elna is the Spiritual Communication Initiator of Pathways. She maps out initial communication flows and checks for clear and consistent technical use of words. Through her dedication to healing and the guidance of her mentors, she was led to the discovery of her creativity, her sense of practical clarity, which she expresses in her role as a way to serve the community today. Through Pathways, Elna walks her path of service and purpose, sharing her gifts with others, able to give back and pass forward in a big way, and able to share God’s gift of healing. She hopes to inspire more people to take the spiritual journey and experience the beauty of a transformed life, just as she did. Driven by the spirit, her creativity, and her passion for communication and design, Elna endeavors to transform the marketing and creative practice, shedding light on true essence and intention, and affecting a shift in the way brands are born and built, in the way they speak, how they truthfully inspire change, and in how they create relationships with humanity and the world.

Ashley Gosiengfiao.jpg



Pathways Pioneer

Social Media Luminary

"To plant seeds of healing in the hearts and minds of men is enough to start a revolution of the heart."

A luminary is a natural light-giving body. The term can also pertain to a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere.

As Pathways' Social Media Luminary, Ashley aims to act as a guiding light on social media as well as to enable Pathways to utilize its channels to plant seeds and inspire people to look deeper into themselves to be able to live authentically. She feels like her path as an influencer/content creator in this lifetime has led her here and she intends to use her voice and her expertise to assist humanity in crossing the bridge toward spiritual healing.


Pathways Community

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