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Last Updated: November 18, 2022

Dear Student,


Welcome to Pathways Community and Healing Center! 

We are happy that you have chosen yourself and started your journey to healing, love, and freedom with us.

In Pathways, we respect and honor each other and treat one another with kindness.

We uphold and value the following virtues and we encourage every student to practice/exercise the same:


1. Honesty, Willingness, and Dedication to the Path of Healing

As a student, you are encouraged to practice the values of HONESTY, WILLINGNESS,  and DEDICATION so it can hasten the unfolding of your personal transformation.


Your honesty will significantly help you accept those parts of you that need healing. While on the other hand the willingness to face your wounds will greatly reduce the pain and struggle. Finally the dedication to your healing will eventually build spiritual stamina.



We value the sacredness of our creation, and through years of challenging experiences, we have created the following healthy boundaries, to help students make the most out of their learning and healing experience.


We ask that you refrain from taking photos of the workshop slides and sharing these with others to ensure that they may not be taken out of context.


No recruiting or scamming of Pathways students for personal agenda is allowed. Likewise, misrepresenting Pathways for any  fraudulent, illicit activities with any malicious intent is an automatic ground for termination. (see Terms and Conditions: Termination)


1. Healing Center:

Private Healing Sessions

  1. We ask that you value your healing journey by being on time even if there is a 15-minute grace period allowed.

  2. To get the most out of your healing session, be in a quiet space where you can be comfortable in expressing yourself.

  3. We want to connect with you well so we ask that at the start of every video conference call, the camera and microphone must be turned on.

  4. Private healing sessions are not recorded because we uphold your privacy and honor the confidentiality of our session.

  5. Please avoid any strenuous activity after each healing session to allow the healing energies to settle. Allow yourself to purge (Detox) and calibrate (recharge): mentally, emotionally, and physically.

2. Spirit Training Academy:

 Workshops, Courses, Programs

  1. We ask that you value your healing journey by being on time even if there is a 15-minute grace period allowed.

  2. We want to connect well with you and to ensure that we can communicate well with each other,  we request you to turn your camera ON, and have your microphone on MUTE, to avoid unnecessary noise that may lead to the disruption of the workshop.  Likewise your microphone will be muted at any time by the facilitator if deemed necessary.

  3. We encourage you to ask questions or share your experiences as this is part of your healing process - this is also a way for us to know how best we can assist you. Indirectly, this also helps in the healing process of everyone in the workshop - it is not by chance that you are in this workshop together.  You can ask questions through the chat box or click the "raise your hand" icon and wait to be acknowledged. You can unmute your microphone when called.

  4. You are all encouraged to share your stories during the workshop as this is part of the healing process. We value everyone’s privacy including yours, so let us all be conscientious in keeping all the personal information and stories within the workshop proper.

  5. We suggest that you bring journals to take note of what resonates with you during the workshops. Taking pictures of the workshop slides is not allowed as the teachings may be taken out of context when shared with others who are not part of the program.

  6. You can have your snacks during the workshop,  just have your microphone on MUTE while eating.

  7. The workshop videos and chat transcripts will be recorded for Pathways’ documentation and development process only and will not be available to anyone/the public.

  8. At the end of every session, we usually ask for volunteers to share their learnings, which can be included in our workshop testimonials. In this segment of the workshop, we will ask permission to have testimonials from volunteers to be recorded for public use. Further details will be discussed during the workshop proper.

  9. Please avoid any strenuous activity after each workshop to allow the healing energies to settle. Allow yourself to purge (Detox) and calibrate (recharge): mentally, emotionally, and physically.

3. Online Events:

3.1 Closed Free/ Paid Events via Zoom

  1. Once registered for the event, we ask that you show up on the actual event date as we only give limited slots. If you are unable to attend after registration, please inform us immediately via Email at or message us on our socials (via IG and FB page chat) so we can give your slot to those who are willing and able to attend the event.

  2. We ask that you value your healing journey by striving to be on time even if there is a 15-minute grace period allowed.

  3. We want to connect well with you and we want to ensure that we can communicate well with one another, so we ask  you to turn your camera ON, while you turn OFF your microphone, to avoid unnecessary noise which may lead to the disruption of the event. Likewise, your microphone will be muted by the event host at any time deemed necessary.

  4. The Event videos and chat transcripts will be recorded for Pathways’ documentation and development process and may be made available for public use for replays (via Pathways’ website and social media platforms).

  5. We encourage you to engage with us and ask questions via Zoom chat box to make the most of our events. We will collect comments and highlight relevant ones during the event. For your questions, we will collect and address them during the Q&A portion. If we run out of time we may post the questions, and answer them on our social media pages.

  6. No Promotions or Spamming is allowed. Give more than you take in this event. Share your experiences through the chat box. NO Self-promotion & spamming of other participants. Sharing irrelevant links that are not related to the event topic is NOT allowed. By doing so, you will be kicked out of the meeting room.

  7. No networking with our members within our events is allowed. Being part of this gathering requires mutual trust. Sending invites via Private Message or networking with our members is NOT ALLOWED. Once reported, you will be blocked automatically.

  8. We ask that you respect the space and intention of our events by being kind with your comments and respectful in the way you ask your questions. Vulgar words and cursing of any form are NOT ALLOWED. Pathways Community is an energy body, a safe space. We choose to keep the energy field of Pathways aligned with the language of LOVE. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

  9. No hate speech or bullying to make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated. In doing so, you will be blocked in all Pathways' events and social media.

  10. Please avoid any strenuous activity afterward so that you may allow the energies to settle, to allow yourself to purge (Detox) and calibrate (recharge): mentally, emotionally, and physically.

3.2 Live Streaming Events 

(Facebook Live or Youtube Live)

  1. We encourage you to engage with us and ask questions via chat (Facebook via the comment section and Youtube via chat box) to make the most of our events. We will collect comments and highlight relevant ones during the event. For your questions, we will collect and address them during the Q&A portion. If we run out of time we may post the questions, and answer them on our social media pages.

  2. The Event videos and chat transcripts will be recorded for Pathways’ documentation and development process and may be made available for public use for replays  (via Pathways’ website and social media platforms).

  3. No Promotions or Spamming. Give more than you take in this event. Share your experiences through the comments. NO Self-promotion & spam. Sharing irrelevant links that are not related to healing is NOT allowed. By doing so, you will be blocked from our social media platforms.

  4. No networking with our members within our events. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Sending invites via PM or networking with our members is NOT ALLOWED. You will be blocked automatically once reported.

  5. We ask that you respect the space and intentions of our live events by being kind with your comments and the way you ask your questions. Vulgar words and cursing in any form are NOT ALLOWED. Pathways Community is an energy body, a safe space. We choose to keep the energy field of Pathways aligned with the language of LOVE. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

  6. No hate speech or bullying. Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated. In doing so, you will be blocked in all Pathways events and social media.

  7. Please avoid any strenuous activity afterward so that you may allow the energies to settle, to allow yourself to purge (Detox) and calibrate (recharge): mentally, emotionally, and physically.

HB: Healing Center
HB: Spiri Training Academy
HB: Zoom Events
HB: FB Live events
HB: General
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